One Line at a Time

A blog about learning to code

QuickAndEasyRecipes- A Rails App

For my Rails project for the Flatiron School’s Online Full Stack Web Development Program, we were tasked with creating a Content Management System. We were tasked with building a complete Ruby on Rails application that manages related data through complex forms and RESTful routes.

MyComicsBox- A Sinatra CRUD App

For the Sinatra project for the Flatiron School’s Online Full Stack Web Development Program, we were tasked with creating any sort of CRUD app using Sinatra that had the ability to create, read, update, and delete items. This simple Content Management System needed to use MVC (Model, View, Controller) architecture with ActiveRecord integration. We needed to integrate secure user accounts and validations for user input to ensure bad data isn’t added to the database.

RESTful Routes

As I dive into learning about Sinatra, one of the major concepts is that of MVC architecture: using Models, Views, and Controllers. Part of this is using controllers to assign routes. A concept I found very helpful while trying to put this information together was that of RESTful routes. RESTful routes are conventions that match routes we define to CRUD (create, read, update. and delete) methods. It stands for Representation State Transfer, and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding for his doctoral thesis, Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures.

Building a CLI Data App

My first major portfolio project through Flatiron School’s online full stack web development program was to build a CLI Data App. The application needs to provide a command line interface and provide access to data scraped from a web page. The data must to go at least one level deep, generally by showing the user a list of available data and then drilling down on a specific item. Finally, the project should use good object-oriented design patterns. So far in the curriculum, our programming has been focused on labs that had clear objectives and tests to guide us to the solution. It was more than a little intimidating to be faced with an empty terminal and have to create the project from scratch.

Why Software Development?

Welcome to my blog. On this site, I will be sharing my experience as I learn code through the Flatiron School’s online full stack web development program. I will be posting about topics I find interesting or merit further exploration.