One Line at a Time

A blog about learning to code

'This' Can Be Confusing in JavaScript!

What is “this”?

Deploying Sinatra and Rails Apps to Heroku

As a student, I (somewhat foolishly) put off deploying my portfolio projects. Now that I have graduated, I want to make sure that the apps that I have built are accessible to potential employers and the world at large. My project this week, therefore, was to deploy my Sinatra, Rails, and Rails with JavaScript apps to Heroku. This blog post will detail the process I used, as well as some setbacks I encountered, with the solutions I put in place.

Thinking About Thunk: Asynchronous Actions in Redux

As I was working on my React project (more about that here), I was a bit confused by how asynchronous requests worked in the React/Redux workflow. So I decided to do a bit of research into the topic and dove head first into Redux Thunk.

Fleddit- A React/Redux Application with a Rails Back End

My fifth and final project for Flatiron School’s Online Full Stack Web Development Program involved creating an application with a React and Redux front end and a Rails API back end. I created Fleddit, a blog application that allows users to share their ideas and comment on them. The requirements for this project were a bit more open-ended than previous projects. We had to create a React app with a certain number of container and stateless components and routes, and we had to make use of async actions that sent and received data from a Rails API. Beyond that, we were free to design whatever we wanted.

Adding a JavaScript Front End to My Rails Project

My fourth portfolio project for the Flatiron School’s Online Full Stack Web Development Program focused on adding JavaScript to my existing Rails project. My goal was to take my project, Quick and Easy Recipes (about which you can read more here), and add a JavaScript front end that relied on AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to provide for a smooth user experience. In terms of guidelines for the project, we were tasked with rendering at least one index page, one show page, and one has-many relationship via JavaScript and an ActiveModel Serialization JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) backend. We also needed to render a form for creating a resource that submits dynamically, and we had to translate the JSON responses into JavaScript Model Objects with at least one method on the prototype.